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Airport Lugano MSFS20

Hersteller: Flylogic , Hersteller Artikel-Nr.: 202001
Lugano MSFS20 Download
SFr. 19.90



Airport Lugano MSFS20

Microsoft Flight Simulator MSFS20

Article no .: 202001endl
mailsoft GmbH
FlyLogic software
German / English / Français / Italiano
Current version: 

New version World Update 6 compatible!

How to get the new version:

- Log into the FlyLogic shop
- Show orders
- click show
- below you can find your new download
- PS: uninstall the old version beforehand


Video Christian Bornand  - Thank you! 


Take a quiet and relaxing evening flight and enjoy the unique approach to Lugano-Agno with its fantastic Alpine panorama. The extremely realistic reproduction of one of the most pleasant airports in Switzerland greets every pilot with open arms and radiates southern flair as soon as you taxi to the parking position.

Not only were all buildings necessary for flight operations exactly detailed but also everything surrounding them and the airport. The aerial photos of the scenery were adapted and matched perfectly to Microsoft FS20.







- highly detailed airfield scenery from Lugano-Agno optimized for Microsoft Flight Simulator FS20

- Floor layout with all taxiways and parking positions - breathtaking night lighting

- High-resolution photo textures of the 3d models - all airport buildings are precisely reproduced

- PBR material with ambient occlusion (baked textures)

- Dynamic night lighting

- striking buildings in the vicinity of the airport

- Static planes and vehicles

- Charts to print: ILS, SID, STAR, VFR and Ground

- Deutsches Handbuch - Manuel en français - English manual - Italien manuale


Living World

  • Animated windsocks with display of wind direction and wind strength

  • Moving airfield people

  • Apron service


System requirements:

Requirement: Microsoft Flight Simulator MSFS20
Operating system: Windows 10 (64bit)
Processor: Quad-Core mit 3,5 GHz
Main memory: 16 GB DDR4-RAM (2666 MHz)
Graphic card: 8 GB VRAM (DirectX 11)
Download size: 260 MB