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Buttwil MSFS english

Hersteller: Flylogic , Hersteller Artikel-Nr.: 20211en
Buttwil MSFS Download
€ 14.75



Airport Buttwil MSFS

Microsoft Flight Simulator MSFS20

on sale now
  • Article no .: 20211en
  •  mailsoft GmbH
  •  FlyLogicSoftware
  •  Deutsch Français English 
  •  1000



The Buttwil airfield was built as a replacement for the Spreitenbach airfield, which had to give way to the
Limmattal marshalling yard and the ever-expanding Zurich Airport. Holder was initially the interest group
Flugfeld Buttwil.
The airfield is mainly used by the Eichenberger AG flight school and CHS Central Helicopter Services AG
for flight training on fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters.
Furthermore, work and cargo flights for the mountain and hut supply of the region are undertaken from there.
Gliding operations are ensured by the Zurich Gliding Group, which also carries out the training of glider pilots.
The maintenance company Rotor + Wing Technic AG is also based at Buttwil Airport.




Particularities of the Scenery

- Completely recreated scenery
- Realistic and highly detailed depiction of the airport
- Optimally created for MSFS, from World Update 6
- Lifelike lighting effects
- Animated people and windsocks
- Landing direction indicator
- Static vehicles, gliders and trailers
- Precise collision detection on the buildings
- Optimized execution speed by using LOD's (3D objects and textures)
- German manual - Manuel français - English manual



Minimum System Requirements:

- Microsoft Flight Simulator FS2020
- Microsoft Windows 10 / 11 (64Bit)
- Processor: quad-core at 3.5 GHz
- Memory: 8 GB DDR4 RAM (2666 MHz)
- Graphics card: 4 GB VRAM (DirectX 11)
- Download size: approx. 60 MB
- Hard disk space: approx. 150 MB