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Lugano professional P3D V4 V5

Hersteller: Flylogic , Hersteller Artikel-Nr.: 19003en
Lugano professional V4 V5 Download
€ 24.75
Lugano professional V4 V5 Update Download
€ 14.85



Airport Lugano professional 

P3D V4+ V5+   on sale

Article no .: 19003en
mailsoft GmbH
FlyLogic software
German / English / Italiano
Current version: 
Upgrade Version Lugano FSX on Lugano P3D V4+ V5x:
Click on the update version for Fr. 15.- and you will get the full version of Airport Lugano for P3D V4 V5.
With the license code from Lugano for FSX you can install the new P3D V4+ V5 version!
Changes to the P3D V4 V5 version compared to the FSX version:
- Dynamic lamp lighting of the airfield
- Vegetation around the airport recreated
- Changed markings on the apron and on the runway
- Enlargement of the turnaround at the end of Runway 19
- Changed runway and taxiway lights
- New ILS localizer in new position
- Further buildings created for the business park at Runway 19
- Airport animated with static people
- Existing buildings and objects converted to Prepar3d V4
- Approach lights completely recreated
- Dynamic lighting and atriums attached to the large lamps, the effects had to be recreated
- Set up groups of people
- AFD adjusted according to changes in floor layout
- Motorway area edited so that the vehicles are no longer driving up and down the mountain
- ORBX compatible
The international Swiss airport Lugano is a realistic implementation for Prepar3D V4,
created according to the latest 30cm / pixel aerial image data. It does not matter if
you fly VFR laps or if you do not like the circling approach to the 019 - Lugano is really exciting!
All buildings, lighting systems, and navigation systems have been precisely modeled and
placed. Numerous dynamic objects provide the typical hustle and bustle on the airport grounds.


- Highly detailed aerodrome scenery from Lugano-Agno optimized for P3D V4 V5
- breathtaking night lighting
- High resolution photo textures of 3d models
- all airport buildings exactly replicated
- Trees in the airport environment with seasonal textures
- Charts to print: ILS, SID, STAR, VFR and Ground
- optimal adaptation to the landscape scenery of Switzerland Professional 
- German manual - Manuel en français - English manual - Italy manuale

System requirements:
Lockheed Martin - Prepar3D V4 V5
Microsoft Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (64bit)
Prozessor: Quad-Core 3,5 GHz
RAM: 16 GB DDR4-RAM (2666 MHz)
Videocard: 8 GB VRAM (DirectX 11)
Download-Size:  260 MB