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Speck-Fehraltorf P3D V4 V5

Hersteller: Flylogic , Hersteller Artikel-Nr.: 19004en
Speck Fehraltorf P3D V4 V5 Download
£ 12.75



Airport Speck-Fehaltorf professional

P3D V4 V5
Article no .: 19004en
Sales: mailsoft GmbH
Developer: FlyLogic software
Language: German / English 
Current version: 1020

- highly detailed airfield scenery by Speck-Fehraltorf optimized for P3D V4 V5
- stunning night lighting
- high-resolution photo textures of the 3d models
- all airport buildings exactly reproduced
- Trees in the airfield environment with seasonal textures
- optimal adaptation to the landscape scenery of Switzerland professional V4
- German english manual

Prepar3D V4 V5
Operating system: Windows Win 7 / 8 / 10 (64Bit)
Processor: at least 3.5 GHz
Main memory: at least 16 GB
Graphic card: at least 4 G B
Download size: 190 MB